Part 2
Puberty Rituals
The first symptoms of the conditions often appear with the first
consciously active erection.
Problems are treated following
a conscious experience of pain, difficulty or tension. The easy step of monitoring previous to puberty, and preventing these problems in advance, plays little part in modern health care.
The rubbing action of a phimotic ring repeatedly passing over the coronal
ridge of the glans causes pain and soreness, which may subsequently
develop into inflammations or infections. Among my interviewed sample
group, one practicing doctor described how an infection became so obvious
that he was forced to tell his parents. A second, on reading this,
said that his was a similar experience. The third medical doctor who
I questioned had no infection, but reported masturbating painfully
for five years, till he was 18.
A number of reports describe painful masturbation for several years
usually until 18 when the boy is old enough to consult a doctor without
fear of extra embarrassing complications. One boy who requested circumcision
for painful adhesions at the age of 13 was advised to wait.
Boys, and especially those with painful conditions, are quite capable
of deciding for themselves at puberty if they want to be circumcised.
Rare, but significant is a paraphimosis: when the phimotic ring
gets stuck behind the glans, causing the glans to swell up. This is
a medical emergency and though it can be manually controlled, the usual
sequence of events is Mum being horrified, rushing kid to hospital,
where he is promptly circumcised.- If this isn`t a shock initiation
then I dont know what is!
During puberty and masturbation, the pain from a frenulum which is
too short can usually be avoided e.g.13 "When masturbating, if I didn`t watch out and pulled the skin back
too far, it was sometimes pretty painful around the frenulum, added
to which especially to start with the frenulum skin would tear. These
small wounds healed very badly, ... when I didnt really shake out all
the urine, drops got under the foreskin and then it burnt even more"
e.g.14 "I often had pain when trying to fully retract my foreskin. I often
wondered what to do about it but mostly ignored the problem. After
all, when masturbating that didn't cause a problem, and when having
sex with women I always had used condomes so far. Using condomes, the
foreskin wouldn't retract that much and it caused no big problem."
(RS note that during masturbation this pain was "often wondered
about" and also "ignored")
The Passages to Manhood - 4 of 12 |