Hello after a while! (a whole summer to be more precise!)
I had partial circumcision by laser begining of July. It wasn't as easy as I thought. I had stitches all the way round the foreskin for about ten days (the doc said I was going pretty well controlling my erections and so we could take the stitches off sooner than is usual). The final result is that I have half the foreskin I used to have. I can feel a big difference in that there is no ring and no periferal pressure from it. But I am really worried that the story hasn't finished yet... I already had two operations to remove my frenulum (one was done about half-way by an inexperienced doctor using heat, and the next one was to finish it by laser). It seems that the frenulum is still persisting, unless if it is my own wrong idea of how it should look (the doctor did say that some times there is regeneration of the frenulum tissue). And here is the question : should my foreskin now unfold completely? That's what I'd like it to do, but the way I see it there is still no elasticity on the front part where the frenulum used to be (or is still there partly) so the front part of the foreskin cannot move down as much as the back part, thus pulling the foreskin up when left free. I can also feel the area where the frenulum was a bit hard, and it also looks white (just like the frenulum used to look).When I pull the foreskin back it still bends the glans a bit. Also I feel that my erection isn't as big or as hard as it could because of the remaining frenulum obstructing it. Does that mean there IS more frenulum there that needs to be removed? Or should I just accept that my foreskin will never unfold completely? The doctor sais "it's fine" but he doesn't see the erect state, and probably doesn't want to accept that he didn't do it well. I hope I'm expressing myself clearly , it's a tricky subject and I think the main problem people have with docrors is that we can't really get across our point to them due to our lack of scientific vocabulary. Thanks very much for your time and help! Irwan