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Re: Doubts on diagnosis

Written by Robin at 26 Oct 2005 19:25:15:

As an answer to: Doubts on diagnosis written by Irwan at 20 Oct 2005 18:19:16:

Dear Irwan,

One problem for me is the new laser techniques - in that I havent
heard any results from these. But I am amazed how very modern they are
in Greece!!

The partial circumcision went well then, and approx half the foreskin
you used to have is to be expected, so that in the flaccid state there
is no overhang, but the foreskin covers the glans.

Ive never heard of any regeneration of the frenulum tissue - maybe
this can occur when the frenulum is lasered ..? I doubt it, but I cant
answer this

Then I quote you - first "I can also feel the area where the frenulum
was a bit hard, and it also looks white (just like the frenulum used
to look). Does that mean there is more frenulum there that needs to be

After a normal frenuloplasty there is also the white coloured "root"
of the frenulum - if this white colour is truly the root, or if it is
simply scar tissue is irrelevant, this doesnt need removing.

If its scar tissue then it may be rather hard for the first few
months, this will decrease but there will probably always be some
stiff tissue there.

"And here is the question : should my foreskin now unfold completely?"

I feel you are expecting it to fold back evenly like the cuff on a
shirt , and this doesnt happen.

To explain better we must first look at the next quote. It really
confused me, I could see you had made an effort to express yourself
clearly, but Im afraid I could only understand it if you were standing
on your head :) aha I thought so maybe your descriptions are when you
are standing and holding your penis up to look at it - either that or
you have erection like one of those Greek Gods - Pan and the satyrs,
where it curves upwards :)

" ... the way I see it there is still no elasticity on the front part
where the frenulum used to be (or is still there partly) so the front
part of the foreskin cannot move down as much as the back part,"

so the front part where the fren. used to be, means the underneath (for
one of us with normal human erections and penis which hang) - and the
back part is what is normally the top part (but in your Godly stance
this shows to your belly button ...) Ok I got it - so lets put it in
my language and I hope this helps.

Underneath (where the frenulum was) the foreskin is always nearer the
glans and a normal foreskin slants backwards (towards you) on the top
side when pulled back - If you look and check the shape of your glans
then I think you will find .. well with me the glans underneath to the
meatus (the urinary opening) is aroung 2 thirds the length of the
glans on top, ie. the glans isnt evenly round. So, the foreskin now
fits neatly.

I think everything is Ok and how we can expect it to be. If you send
me pics I might be able to say more.

If you really really want a foreskin which folds back evenly then this
will require plastic surgery, a cosmetic surgeon, and Im not sure if
it would work anyway, ... but there must be a way if youve got the

The important question for me is do you suffer ANY pain or discomfort
during masturbation? would you have any problems with love making or
using condoms?



PS. Hey and I notice youre from Greece - one could imagine you speak
Greek as fluently as English ... I have a question: the word "phimos"
comes from ancient Greek meaning a horses muzzle - is there any modern
Greek word related to this?

Any uneasy personal sexual experience or development which would add
to the evidence supporting monitoring boys before puberty - would be
appreciated - anonymity guaranteed -

please note I am only online once a week (usually on Wednesdays). I
collect mail one week and answer the next, thoughtful replies can take
2 week delay.
