Thanks for your E-mail. It is always helpful to hear the experiences of other people. I will try and answer your questions.
Firstly I suspect that your Phimosis is congenital, although you did experience balantis very young a phimotic ring caused by infections such as Balantis usually occurs later in life. It is likely that your phimosis actually caused the balantis since you were unable to properly wash that area and an infection most likely developed. Additionally a phimotic ring caused by an infection would develop over time and you describe having had pinhole phimosis for as long as you can remember. A phimotic ring which results from an infection would usually not improve with stretching, clearly yours did.
You most certainly were born with Phimosis. Whilst many babies are born with infant adhesions, these usually free themselves in the early stages of childhood. However when a baby is born with a pinhole phimosis it is unlikely that stretching would have proved successful enough to remove the phimotic ring entirely and you should probably have been circumcised as a young child. There are many differing opinions on why some babies are born with this condition, some people believe that it is mother natures way of inhibiting some members of the population from successfully reproducing and therefore reducing the competition for reproductive supremacy amongst a community of mammals. I believe studies have been carried out more commonly with cattle than humans. I guess there is no definite answer to this question, one of life's mysteries.
As for stretching, indeed another question which I believe has not been answered for definite. It is possible that success with stretching is related to the severity of the phimotic ring and the natural elasticity of an individuals skin which I suppose could be effected by their diet. Maybe you have an opinion on this?