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Re: Stevo's situation continued.

Written by Ammar at 27 Jun 2006 23:04:40:

As an answer to: Re: Stevo's situation continued. written by Stevo at 27 Jun 2006 20:38:52:

>what sort of doctor interactions have you had?

Ive been to over 7 Urologists and not one of them could tell me what was wrong. I felt so little and small in front of these doctors. The last doctor I saw Recognized the problem and told me time would heal. Well 10 years and here I am same problem. I woke up this morning in pain (As always). I no longer know how to live and how to socialize.

Sometimes I wish I could get cancer and die which is more merciful than my current situation. Would it amaze you if I said I was jealious of people that get terminal illnesses.


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