This site discusses phimosis in its specific forms of phimotic ring, frenulum breve, adhesions or skinbridges. During erection these conditions inhibit the relationship between foreskin and glans. This functionally restricts the erection, and thus has an effect on the sexuality. With our culture's attitudes on health care, it would be appropriate to encourage early prevention.

Jan 2021 : Please read the new summary.


Anthology of Letters and Case Histories :
The Passages to Manhood

E Mail Library 2 : 2003-2007

LETTERS (2000 - 2001)
The Entire ARC Forum1 is archived
Pre Marital Paraphimosis
Relief! Not the Only One
Pain Difficulty Fear
Phimosis Requires Correction Now
Anti-circ Misunderstandings
Selection of mini letters
Pain_- Fear - Guilt
30 yr Skinbbridge

Pinhole Phimosis at 30
Phimosis - Urinary Problems
Frenular Mucosa
Search for a doctor to partial circ
Skinbridge at 28
Embarrassed 17yr. old

(1996 - 1999)

Diary of an Initiation
Dave's Letter
A Doctor Confirms
P.S. An Expert
Partial Circumcision

John's Diary (the need for education)
Nature's Way (releasing adhesions)
Checking in Germany (chaos)
jfm`s Advice on Circumcision
Dorsal-slit Auto-circ et al.

Collected Themes
Balanitis or LSA

Kids Corner
Dad Checks Simply
Dorsal Slit Recommendation
Childhood Memories
Neonatal Circumcision?
Child with Pain on Retraction
Pediatrician Advises Tugging
Tugging at 11 Months Old
Child`s Infection-Anti-Circ Doctor
Balanitis and Circumcision

Phimotic Rings
Elastic Bands and Phimotic Rings
Fibrotic Ring Develops
Ring Recurs For 20 Years
Ring Recurs Since 2 Years
Phimosis Develops in Child
Recent Phimosis
Frenular Phimotic Complex

Mysterious Frenulum
Frenulum and Condoms
Unthinkable i forgot about it
Frenular Rips With Scab
Frenular Confusion
Boyfriend`s Frenulum
Development Secondary Frenulum?

The Frenulum Breve and the Hymen
Frenulum Treatment

Odd Bits
Even Men Pretend Orgasms
All My Life and Still Unretractable
Mutilation Trauma
Internal Swelling
Drawstring Develops = Skinbridge
Phimosis and Possibly Frenulum

Late Discovery
Sex is Stressful
Frenular Retribution
American Frenulum
Initiation Shock
Growing Pains - Being a Man
Extraneous Feelings
Psychological Repercussions
Impotence Unrecognised Phimosis
Wounds, Pain, Bending = Frenulum
Bearing the Pain of Retraction
Didnt Know about Retraction
Consummating My Marriage
Confused with Skin Bridge
Small Skin Bridge
Hyper Sensitivity
Pain Ignored, Frenulum Rips

Girlfriends Husbands
Husband`s Problems
Girlfriend SuffersToo
Husband`s Confession

Post Circ Problems
Infant Skin Bridges
Fair Share of Post Circ: Problems
Post Circ Frenulum Breve
Crude Operations
Dont Recircumcise Lance the Bridge
Skinbridge or Epithelium as Sheet
Clear Answers when 47
Garys Story
Greg`s Skinbridges

Deutsche Ecke
Frenular Lebenslauf
Ein Ärtz bestätigt
Zu Lange Vorhaut
Falsch Diagnose
Vater und Sohn
Es ist zum Verrucktwerden
Checking Trauma Circumcision History
Checking in Germany